Niko Riedinger


Niko Riedinger -

The work of Niko Riedinger (Germany, 1986) toys with the interplay between appropriation and reference. He views it as a game traditionally driven by power and exclusion. By questioning the universal validity and historical shelf life of a symbol, he resists systems in which the recognition and understanding of a sign is a rite of passage. Or rather, systems in which certain – socio-culturally determined – readings of the sign have become an oppressive norm.

In fiery strokes of paint and hysterical compositions he claims control over the signifier. He tries to open it up for subjective interpretations by breaking its armor of absolute reproducibility. Is the abstracted image of a pine tree – a recurring visual element in his work – a reference to the dark woods of his native Germany, to the iconic air freshener or to the fact that humans like to reduce their lived reality to bite-sized portions? Riedinger seems to ask for a postponement of the answer, a moment to take in nothing but the shape and they way it manifests itself in paint.

  • Born 1986/ Germany, lives and works in Den Bosch, The Netherlands


    2017 BA - Fine Arts, AKV Den Bosch

    Exhibitions/ Projects (selection)

    2013 NIKO RIEDINGER x HEIMAT 2, Germany

    2014 JE MODDER IS EEN EXPO, PK14 Den Bosch, Group show w/ Thomas Trum, Bas v/d Hout i.a.

    2015 CALGALI, Willem Twee, Den Bosch, Group show

    2015 Kunstnacht Den Bosch, PK 14, Den Bosch, Group show

    2016 ENCAMPMENT, Cactus Den Bosch, Group show w/ Peer Vink, Martijn Linssen

    2017 TEAM TRIBAL, Nijmegen, Group show

    2018 JETZT SCHLAEGST DREIZEHN, Ah-vahnt-gahrd, Rotterdam, Group show

    2018 <3CORE, Cactus/ Academie voor Beeldvorming, Den Bosch, Solo show /w special act: One Night In Perry’s

    2018 SHAKE A LEG, c&h Gallery Amsterdam, Group show w/ Ide Andre, Arash Fakhim i.a.


    2018 HOW TO BECOME SPIDERMAN, Ruis, Nijmegen, Duo show w/ Peer Vink

    2018 GEFAEHRLICHE DOKTORSPIELE, Kunstplatform Apotheek, Amsterdam, Group Show w/ Bonno v Doorn, Arthur Stokvis i.a.

    2019 LIMBO & TAVERNS, AIR presentation, Kaus Australis, Rotterdam

    2019 HANGING HAMMERS, Doclens, Den Bosch, Group Show w/ Gijs v Lith, Daan Gilies, Arash Fakhim i.a.

    2019 SONNE, TOD UND STERNE, AIR presentation, Artlabb , Den Bosch

    2019 Dr. YES, Stichting Bartjesschool, Den Bosch, Group show

    2019 ALLES FEIN/ ALLES KLAR, Art Bar Kippy, Gallery Althuis&Hofland Fine Arts, Amsterdam

    2019 ITS BETTER TO ROT THAN TO FADE AWAY, Projectspace Lokaal, Utrecht, Group show w/ Sander v Noort, Chris Rijk i.a.

    2019 A PHASE LIKE HOME, Singular Art x Amsterdam Art Weekend, Amsterdam, Group show

    2019 SOFREH, No Man’s Art Gallery, Amsterdam, Group show w/ Gijs Assmann, Bas v/d Hurk, Bonno v Doorn i.a.

    2020 SOMETHING BETWEEN THE FLOWERS, Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam, Group show w/ Katrein Breukers, Koos de Vries, Martijn Linssen, Peer Vink, Susanne Khalil Yusef

    2022 LE DERNIER COMBAT, Willem Twee, Den Bosch, Group show w/ Marie Aly, Tanja Ritterbex, Bonno v Doorn, Daan Gilies, Katrein Breukers, Arthur Stokvis

    2022 OFFLINE, Tinimini Room, Dordrecht

    2022 PASSION AND COMPASSION, Ten Haaf Projects, Amsterdam, Trio w/ Gerbrand Volger and Koos de Vries

    2022 THIS ART FAIR, Ten Haaf Projects, Amsterdam

    2022 OFFLINE, TiniMini Room, Dordrecht, Group Show

    2023 PROSPECTS, Art Rotterdam

    2023 PARTIONS, Galerie Gerhard Hofland, Amsterdam, Duo w/ Caja Boogers

    2023 PAST TO PRESENT, Ruis, Nijmegen

    2024 MATTER MATTERS, Yours Truly/ No Mans Art Gallery/ Jiuba AS, Amsterdam, Group Show w/ Tom Volkert, Fabian Herkenhoeker, Marilyn Sonneveld i.a.

    2024 Group exhibition, Galerie Fleur & Wouter, Amsterdam, w/ Tom Volkaert & Tim Breukers

    2024 NAP+, Amsterdam, w/ Tom Volkaert & Tim Breukers


    2018 AIR @ Kaus Australis, Rotterdam 2019 AIR @ Artlabb, Den Bosch

    Curatorial projects

    2017 ENCAMPMENT, Cactus, Den Bosch

    2018 <3CORE, Cactus/ Academie voor Beeldvorming, Den Bosch

    2019 HANGING HAMMERS, Doclens, Den Bosch

    2019 Dr. YES, Group show, Stichting Bartjesschool, Den Bosch

    2020 SOMETHING BETWEEN THE FLOWERS, Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam 2022 LE DERNIER COMBAT, Willem Twee, Den Bosch


    2023 Guest Tutor at St. Joost School of Art and Design


    Different collections in the Netherlands and Germany

    Collection Huslshorst, Hulshorst/ Netherlands


    2018 PopUp Subsidie, Cultuurfondsen ’s-Hertogenbosch

    2018 Projectinvestering Kunstenaar, Mondriaan Fonds

    2019 PopUp Subsidie, Cultuurfondsen ’s-Hertogenbosch

    2020 Projectinvestering Kunstenaar, Mondriaan Fonds

    2021 Young Talent, Mondriaan

    2022 PopUp Subsidie, Cultuurfondsen ’s-Hertogenbosch

    2022 Pictoright Fond

    2024 PopUp Subsidie, Cultuurfondsen ’s-Hertogenbosch

    2024 Mondriaan Fonds


    2018 How To Become Spiderman 2019 Sonne Tod & Sterne


    2018 Nomination Buning Brongers Prize