Fleur & Wouter TV | Jan Hoek and the Sistaaz of the Castle

Galerie Fleur & Wouter exhibits the project Sistaaz of the Castle, a collaboration between Jan Hoek (1984), Duran Lantink (1987) and SistaazHood, an organisation for transsexual sex workers in Cape Town, South Africa.

In this video Jan guides us through the Lockdown Happy New Year exhibition and tells about The Sistaaz. They are powerful activists - proud to be trans, proud of their work and even more proud of their great sense of style. Together they created a series of photos and a fashion collection based on the Sistaaz' looks and their ability to turn everything they find into the most exuberant outfits. For the exhibition Jan chose sixty photos from the series and printed these on ceramic tiles measuring 15 x 15 cm.


Fleur & Wouter TV: Carmen Schabracq, Becoming Vincent


Fleur & Wouter TV | Saar Scheerling's material culture of a fictitious civilization